Tom Cheesewright is the Applied Futurist, telling stories of tomorrow for the world’s biggest brands. He helps leaders to see the future more clearly and tell their stories to the audiences that matter, whether that’s the board, their staff, or their customers and prospects. Trusted by more than 30 of the global 500, as well as major government bodies such as NASA, Tom is in demand as a consultant, commentator, speaker and spokesperson.
Tom is recognised from his thousands of media appearances, explaining tomorrow’s world across TV, radio, print and online. He’s currently the resident expert on BBC Radio 4 series Dough and a frequent contributor to BBC Breakfast and News, but has also appeared on popular shows such as Sunday Brunch, You and Yours, and The Big Questions.
The author of three acclaimed books, Tom brings huge credibility to the stage, using his storytelling skills to teach audiences new skills, shift their thinking, and leave them inspired.